
John Carlton – Kick Ass Copywriting Secrets

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Kick Ass Copywriting Secrets

John Carlton – Kick Ass Copywriting Secrets

Now You Can Learn The Advertising Secrets of the World’s Smartest, Happiest & Wealthiest Marketers!

Breakthrough, specific and proven advice that can turn ads that suck into ads that rock… starting TODAY!

Best part: You can check everything out for FREE if you choose!

If you’re looking for an “insider” shortcut guide to creating sensational ads that will supercharge your business, your wealth, and your life (even if you flunked English) then you’ve gotta read every word on this page.

Because what you’re about to learn will bring you whatever you desire in life.

… Buckets of money…

… the awe and respect of people who now doubt you…

… a new home… a fresh start… the love of your life…

… almost anything at all.

You can attain it with…


And when you multiply that salesmanship by using it in your advertising, you can move the world.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a veteran entrepreneur, an overwhelmed or confused business owner, or a budding rookie eager to devour every possible shortcut…

… the quickest way to transform your business (and your life) is to master the art of selling.

But salesmanship is not taught in school. The “average Joe” couldn’t sell a life preserver to a drowning man. And it’s a crying shame.

That’s why John Carlton created “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel”.

What he reveals in this one-of-a-kind course are the advanced salesmanship techniques that have not changed since the beginning of time. Guys in togas were using these basic principles to earn fortunes selling chariots in ancient Rome.

You’re seeing the same expert techniques at work on millions of websites, late-night infomercials, long-running magazine ads, and multi-million dollar “snail mail” direct response letters that transform simple entrepreneurs into fabulously wealthy moguls.

The reason?

Great salesman use the unchanging psychology of being human. The secrets to selling anything is to create trust, weave a believable story, justify the expense, and help fulfill a burning need in your customer.

That burning need is what cuts through the natural resistance we all have to spending money — especially spending money on something we cannot hold in our hands (which is always the case when you sell by ad or letter).

That burning need overcomes all objections, all doubt, all second-thoughts. The customer doesn’t want what you’re selling… he needs it. Urgently. Can’t wait.

Stoking that burning need is what separates the great salesmen (who become wealthy) from the mediocre (who forever struggle).

Most people in business, when pressed, can get a potential customer to agree that, yes, what you have there is certainly interesting. But they cannot “close the deal”. They don’t know how to fuel the need enough to have cash exchange hands.

Look. You can show anyone to hit a golf ball — you just take a club and whack the little dimpled thing.

But to play golf well… to make the ball go where you want it to go… you need the inside secrets you will not discover casually on your own.

It’s the same with salesmanship.

The advanced, mega-powerful secrets do not appear to you magically, just because you are now in the position of having to sell something. You need a guide.

“Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel” is that guide.

It takes you by the hand and leads you through the hell of bad marketing and incompetent salesmanship…

… past the smoking wreckage of failed businesses and ruined dreams…

… and directly to the sort of ethical wealth and heavenly happiness that will bring you to tears.

Let me tell you about all about it.

This is the “insider” course John wishes was around when he was starting out. Learning even one or two of these secrets would have short-cut his own success by… oh… five… maybe ten years. Probably more.

Included in this best-selling manual are secrets most businesses neverdiscover… such as:

  • The 10 instantly-effective secrets of a copywriter who was forced to create successful ads… or starve! (John calls it “Gun To The Head Copywriting.”)
  • The amazing “Lazy Businessman’s 3-Step Shortcut” to creating your first world-class ad. (How to quickly to into the hidden salesmanship skills you already have and turn them into white-hot sales copy)
  • How to sell to more customers in a day than you could personally meet in a year!
  • How to use the ancient “Function of Seduction” secrets in your advertising to make people desperate to open their wallets and give you money! (It’s the amazing “lost” secret of all great salesmen and all intensely-successful wealth-building marketing.)
  • How to find the head-turning hook that reels customers into your ad like crazy! (John will show you how to be the one thing your prospect reads todaythat gets his blood pumping and makes him crave what you’re selling. His adrenaline levels won’t go down until he’s sent you money.)
  • How to nail the passionate “sweet spot” of your customer with master sales copy! (You’ll gain instant trust because he feels you’re “just like family”.)
  • The one envelope that no one in the history of civilization has ever NOT opened!
  • How to write a killer headline that stops your intended audience cold! (Find the right “trigger” words that will smack your reader in the ass and force her to drop everything to read your ad.)
  • Why your fortune depends on some basic “street savvy”… and how to get it quickly even if you’ve led the most boring life in town. (A unique secret to turning your overlooked personality and the way people actually talk to each other into huge piles of cash!)
  • Very simple tactic to double your profits overnight! (An astonishingly easy technique well-used by smart businessmen… but ignored by 99% of other marketers!)
  • How to close “high ticket” deals for obscenely-large amounts of money — even in an ad where your prospect can’t see or hold your product!
  • 11 proven examples of successful direct response concepts you can use immediately (no matter what business you’re in)… plus a Proven Template for your own mega-pulling sales letter! (An astonishing “how to do it yourself” shortcut map.)
  • Why your new “back end” will be the most profitable part of every sale. (The quickest and most fun “warp-speed education” on multiplying your income you’ll ever get!)
  • How to create your own perfect product over a short weekend… so you can start earning your fortune even if you don’t have a real business or anything to sell yet!
  • The Marketing Rebel’s “Million Dollar Bag of Tricks” — 54 proven sales-boosting secrets straight from the trenches… where they bring in massive cash-flow, every day, for the most successful businesses and entrepreneurs in the world!
  • The cash-multiplying secret of “Operation MoneySuck”! (You can skip going to college to get a master’s degree in business — here’s all you need to know, in a nice tidy 3-pages. The secret of constant income and success that won’t quit.)
  • A quickie “Idiot’s Guide” to consumer psychology! (Instantly understand exactly what makes your customer tick… and learn how to tickle his “consumer hot buttons” to the point of frenzy.)
  • How to sell yourself! (Yes, these over-the-top salesmanship secrets will change every aspect of your life, no matter what you need — be it love, money, respect or a fresh start.)
  • And… The mysterious force behind every dollar bill in the universe that can hook you into an almost magical stream of cash-flow! (Even conservative, prominent and well-known business owners use this spooky tactic. It’s the biggest “x-factor” in rapid success, completely hidden from most people.)

That’s just a small sample of what you’ll find. There are 18 sections in this course… each designed to short-cut your education. And give you the exact super-detailed road map you need to start writing your own earth-shaking copy and create your own ridiculously-successful marketing campaigns.

There is also a special update included… it was necessary because of all the hot new stuff happening on the Web. (John remains one of the few “classic” veterans who is wired into the red-hot center of Internet marketing — it’s why John gets invited to speak at so many Internet marketing seminars.)

Also included is a set of 4 CDs of John talking you through the entire course (so you can listen in your car, or on headphones at home — many people find that listening helps them learn faster and retain more)…

I don’t care if you’ve never written a word of sales copy before in your life.Or if you’re just starting out. Or if you’ve taken six other businesses straight into bankruptcy. Or even if you haven’t got a clue what you want to sell, or where.

None of that matters.

The ONLY thing that matters… is your desire to get started. To start writing ads that bring in sales and cash and new customers in a flood, fast and furious.

This isn’t brain surgery. You might be able to figure it all out on your own. Eventually.

Or you can take advantage of the 20+ years John’s already invested in hard work, hanging out with and learning from the greatest minds in advertising, making, and repeat jaw-dropping successes.

(Yes, he’s made his fair share of mistakes. Maybe more than his fair share. Would you rather learn from those, or repeat them all yourself?)

There is absolutely no sane reason why you should want to waste years of your own life attempting to cover this same ground.

This is the course John would have killed to own when he started out.

But you don’t have to take anyone out to get your hands on it. Simply click below to order “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel”.

And, of course, your order is covered by out…

100% No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee

Order your “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel” course right now. We’ll ship you your personal copy right away.

My personal assistant will oversee the entire shipping process, and you can contact her directly with questions or concerns. (She will contact you, also, with any tracking info she has, so you know what’s going on with your package.)

If, within the 90-day guarantee period, you are not convinced this system is going to make you a lot of money…

… simply return the package (in any condition)… and you will receive a prompt refund. (Any condition means just that. Take notes. Mark it up. We’ll take it back in any condition.)

You risk nothing.

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