Uma Girish – Transform Grief & Pain Into Purpose & Joy
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Short Description:
Grief can act as a strong hand that nudges you to let go of what was familiar — and, perhaps, greatly loved — and step into a new way of living, a new purpose, and a new Self.
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Uma Girish – Transform Grief & Pain Into Purpose & Joy
Learn healing practices to navigate grief and turn pain into purpose — for a soul-led life of joy and fulfilment.
Explore the 4 most common areas of ‘unfinished business’ — guilt, regret, unexpressed sadness, and untapped love — to enjoy a lighter, more authentic, and beautiful life.
Have you lost someone special? Or, maybe you’re dealing with the end of a relationship… the loss of a job… your home… your health…
Or, perhaps you’re experiencing a difficult life transition… an empty nest or retirement.
Maybe you’re carrying a heavy load of “little losses” and aren’t even aware of it…
… disappointments that arise throughout your day — your partner doesn’t understand you, a coworker betrays you, your car is no longer repairable…
Even these smaller losses can cause grief and have a cumulative effect, creating stress and weighing heavily on your heart, mind, and soul.
Grieving is a potent life experience, laden with deep emotions that, if you’re willing to “be” with, can help you grow spiritually and personally, as no other experience can.
Grief can act as a strong hand that nudges you to let go of what was familiar — and, perhaps, greatly loved — and step into a new way of living, a new purpose, and a new Self.
Yet, as you’re most certainly aware, this is more easily said than done.
That’s because we’re hardwired to avoid pain and seek pleasure — our brain programmed to keep us “safe” at all costs.
It’s understandable why we would deny or attempt to hide from the discomfort of pain and grief. But when we do this, we create a backlog of unfelt and unhealed emotions, not to mention undue stress… and we prevent ourselves from becoming the whole, fulfilled, and happy beings we’re meant to be.
Our spiritual life is not the complete answer to deep sadness and pain either…
Meditating to clear the mind… and becoming deeply aware of how our life disappointments and losses can catalyze significant transformative shifts is helpful during dark times. Yet, if we don’t truly connect with our humanness — the aching heart, burning rage, or prickly fears beneath our grief — we risk hiding out in spiritual bypass and staying stuck in the darkness.
In this deeply transformative 7-week journey with award-winning author, expert grief guide, and life purpose coach Uma Girish, you’ll discover and experience how to gently and compassionately open to your difficult feelings as “friendly messengers” that can guide you in navigating sorrowful times…
… and ultimately illuminate — in powerful, healing ways — how to move forward into a life of greater peace, clear purpose, and joy.
— Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen
Often, it isn’t until someone close to us passes, a partner abandons us, or a parent is in the grip of dementia that the floodgates of our grief open. We can feel overwhelmed and lost… our sense of self slipping away.
Uma will show you how this pain can help you identify those things in your life that no longer matter — and train your focus on those that do.
She’ll provide a safe and compassionate container for these very special times in your soul’s journey, where you can open to your soul’s truest desires and the healing energies within and around you.
You’ll specifically learn how raising your energetic vibration can help you transform grief… bringing a deeper level of healing into your life and opening you to new possibilities.
And you’ll discover how you may even be holding the pain of loss at a cellular level in your DNA — grief passed down through your ancestors — and how to move it through you to find a place of lightness and joy.
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During this new powerful new journey for healing, you’ll discover:
- The 4 four levels of grief — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — and how to approach your healing with multidimensional awareness
- The different types of losses, and how recognizing and honoring them is a necessary rite of passage
- A 3-step process to help you let go of judgments and self-criticism that block your healing
- How spiritual bypassing can keep you stuck in grief
- A powerful practice to help you listen to your emotions and receive their important messages
- The 4 most common areas of “unfinished business”: guilt, regret, unexpressed grief, and unexpressed love
- Self-forgiveness as the key to unlock the door to all you desire
- The way your brain and heart work together to heal intergenerational trauma
- How grief hampers you energetically — and simple ways to lighten and heighten your vibration
- Why we incarnate into the world of duality and why it’s imperative to honor both our human and divine aspects
- How understanding the agendas of your ego and soul help you tune into what’s right for you in any given moment
- And much more…
Uma holds an International Diploma in Teaching and Training from Cambridge University in the UK, has mentored with some of the top experts in the grief and loss industry, and has authored several books on the subject. She’s helped hundreds move through grief and loss to live a life of joy, meaning, and purpose.
In Transform Grief & Pain Into Purpose & Joy, you’ll learn how to create a new life that embraces all parts of yourself — including those you may have hidden, those embedded in old patterning, and those you wouldn’t make time for… until now.
Loss and grief serve as powerful catalysts for transformation, sending us on a trajectory to truly discover who we are and what we’re meant to do in this lifetime…
They’re also an important part of your soul’s evolution. Many spiritual traditions believe our soul chooses our life’s losses before we incarnate to help us align with our specific “soul curriculum.”
When you join this powerful 7-week journey, you’ll pave the way to a happier life… one that has room for your soul’s most treasured plans for you — and for your most authentic and fulfilling purpose.
You’ll open the door to discovering the new Self you’re to become on the other side of your pain and grief… and learn practices and approaches for helping others navigate the deep sadness in their lives — and find a new path “home.”
Here’s What Author and Speaker Anita Moorjani
Had to Say About Uma Girish
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Uma will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to move from grief to purpose and joy — to develop a more authentic and fulfilling life.
The Power of Live Streaming Video
You’ll connect with Uma and experience her teachings through live streaming video. This connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Uma’s immense wisdom. You can easily connect via audio only if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at Noon Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Uma. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to process and transmute grief for your freedom and evolution..
Module 1: Embrace Pain as a Path Toward Acceptance & Greater Self-Awareness (January 30)
Loss is part of the human journey, and grief is humanity’s response to loss. The way we grieve is often based on early childhood messaging and cultural conditioning. We’re not taught how to grieve and don’t know how to navigate this unfamiliar rocky terrain.
So, when we’re faced with the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship or career, an aging body, a terminal illness, or an empty nest, how do we respond? What practices best serve us on this healing journey?
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to approach healing with multidimensional awareness — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
- Tools and practices for honoring the different losses you experience as a rite of passage
- How competitive grief, cumulative grief, and “comparisonitis” complicate the grief experience — and ways to steer clear of them
- Tools for supporting others in coping with their grief
- A 3-step process to help you let go of judgments and self-criticism that may be blocking your healing
MODULE 2: Witness Your Grief to Free Yourself (February 6)
We’re hardwired to avoid pain and seek pleasure. The brain is simply trying to keep us safe at all costs. However, it’s crucial that we don’t hide or deny our difficult emotions.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to reframe your grief as love
- That unhealed emotions end up as pain stored in your body and manifest as stress
- The typical responses to pain and how to find better ways to cope
- What happens when you harbor unexpressed emotions
- The peril of “spiritual bypassing” and why it’s the very thing that keeps you stuck in grief
- A powerful exercise to learn how to receive the messages of your emotions
MODULE 3: Cleanse Your Heart to Heal Your Soul (February 13)
We move through life with our closets full of hidden emotions we don’t deal with — until someone dies, a partner abandons us, or a parent is in the grip of dementia. And suddenly everything rises to the surface and overwhelms us.
Unfinished business is a big source of unhealed grief. Until we learn to clear and release what’s holding us captive, we can’t be whole.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The 4 areas of unfinished business — guilt, regret, unexpressed grief, and unexpressed love
- How to clear karma and heal on all levels
- The #1 misconception about forgiveness — and why forgiveness is such a vital spiritual practice
- The key to unlocking the door to your deepest desires through self-forgiveness
- A 5-minute self-compassion practice
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MODULE 4: Invite Your Ancestors in for Deeper Healing (February 20)
Scientific evidence suggests that we carry trauma in our genetic imprint. Unconscious and unhealed emotions in our lineage travel from generation to generation. You may be carrying an ancestor’s pain… one whose life story you may not even know.
This week, you’ll learn what generational trauma is and how it manifests as phobias, unexplained symptoms, and illnesses. You’ll discover how your biology affects and informs your present reality.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The effects of trauma inherited through the DNA of your family lineage
- Why a family’s healing is tied up in buried family secrets
- How to recognize the symptoms and patterns of an unhealed “mother wound”
- That you can heal intergenerational trauma through the intuition of your brain and heart
- A simple and deeply profound exercise to strengthen your inner core
MODULE 5: Understand Energy to Expand Your Joy (February 27)
This week, Uma will share why we are all energy beings… and how your energetic vibration deeply affects how you feel. When you grieve, the energy of your heart chakra is profoundly compromised.
You’ll learn some simple ways to raise your vibration and feel more energized… and find the strength and courage to let go of anything that doesn’t serve you to conserve your energy for what truly matters.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- That you’re made up of energy and light
- Simple ways to lighten the load of your grief… so you can raise your vibration
- How to reclaim your power by protecting your energetic boundaries
- A meditation to help you regather all the energy you’ve scattered throughout your day
- An “energy audit” exercise to find out where you direct your energy — and how it affects how you feel
MODULE 6: Access Your Soul’s Wisdom to Shine Your Light (March 5)
This week, you’ll discover how to balance the needs of your personality and your soul. There’s a deep inner wisdom that guides your life in every moment — are you aware of it and open to its guidance? When we view our losses through the narrow lens of bitterness and resistance, we often miss the opportunities they present for evolution.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Why we incarnate into the world of duality and why it’s imperative to honor both our human and divine aspects
- How understanding the agendas of your ego and soul helps you “tune in” to what’s right for you
- The “soul curriculum” choices you brought into this lifetime — and how to view life’s challenges as opportunities to evolve
- The soul agreements you made with the people you’re closest to
- The 3 big life questions — and how they move your purpose forward
- A powerful end-of-life meditation that will get you moving toward what matters
MODULE 7: Live Your Purpose, Create Your Dream (March 12)
Your soul incarnated here with great purpose, which may be revealed through the portal of pain. To live with purpose requires you to heal your pain and reorient your life toward values that matter.
This week, you’ll identify your urgent priorities, so that every waking moment can be lived with meaning and deep joy. It all begins with reviewing your life as you live it now, changing some of your choices, and finding a dream that’s aligned with your purpose.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The urgent perspective you can gain from the dying — about living
- How only YOU can decide how to live purposefully — and the ONE decision you must make to make that happen
- A dream you care deeply about that is aligned with your purpose
- How to create a life map as a first step to creating your legacy
The Transform Grief & Pain Into Purpose & Joy Bonus Collection
In addition to Uma’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Making Peace With Death Through Grief
Audio Dialogue With Sabrina Chaw
Join Uma as she helps you prepare for the inevitable journey of death… and explains how to use the process of grief to recognize love, purpose, and healing. Knowing that we’ll all die someday, we can open to curiosity versus fear, renewal versus protection, and light versus dark. Uma will show how to allow yourself to be with grief, and let grief guide you home.
During this profound session, you’ll discover:
- The difference between guilt and regret after a loved one passes — and how to heal both
- Various ways to own your grief and make room for compassion, love, and truth
- How to connect with loved ones in Spirit
- Explore how to ignite a new purpose in your life through grief
- Uncover ways to use energy to heal your grief and feel more forgiving and present, with less pain
Invisible Losses Meditation
Audio Meditation From Uma Girish
Having your best friend move to another state, being bullied, feeling like a misfit because of how you look — these are “invisible” losses. Losses we tuck away into a corner of our broken heart. Use this meditation to cleanse your heart and release the pain so you can find your way back to peace.
Grieving Patterns
Audio Teaching From Uma Girish
How differently do people grieve? This audio answers questions related to varied grieving patterns. No two people grieve alike — even if they’re from the same family. This Q&A segment will help you understand why our grieving experience is as unique as our fingerprints.
A Guide to Finding Your Purpose: 6 Soul Journaling Prompts to Help You Find Your Way
PDF Guide From Uma Girish
It’s useful to silence the mind and allow your soul to speak when you want to access inner guidance. The question becomes: How do I begin? These six soul journaling prompts will get you started.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Uma Girish
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with grief guide, life purpose coach, and award-winning author Uma Girish — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a live streaming video option and guides you to explore the 4 most common areas of “unfinished business” to enjoy a lighter, more authentic, and fulfilling life. Course sessions are on Thursdays at Noon Pacific.
Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.
Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.
Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
Online Community
Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.
The Transform Grief & Pain Into Purpose & Joy Bonus Collection
- Making Peace With Death Through Grief
Audio Dialogue With Sabrina Chaw - Invisible Losses Meditation
Audio Meditation From Uma Girish - Grieving Patterns
Audio Teaching From Uma Girish - A Guide to Finding Your Purpose: 6 Soul Journaling Prompts to Help You Find Your Way
PDF Guide From Uma Girish
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Transform Grief & Pain Into Purpose & Joy Virtual Training
We feel honored that Uma Girish has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a grief guide, life purpose coach, and award-winning author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about working through your big and little losses to find inner peace, purpose, and joy, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
About Uma Girish
Uma’s view of healing is rooted in a deep connection with the Divine. It was her personal loss — that of her mother in India — eight months after she and her family moved to Chicago that led her down the path of grief healing. As she learned the tools she needed to heal her own pain, she gained clarity about what she was meant to do with that pain. Using her pain to serve others became her mission.
Uma’s first book, Understanding Death: 10 Ways to Inner Peace for the Grieving, addresses the top 10 questions most grievers have about grief, loss, the soul’s journey, death, dying, and reincarnation. Uma’s second book, a transformational memoir titled Losing Amma, Finding Home: A Memoir About Love, Loss, and Life’s Detours, tells the story of how her mother’s death completely shifted the course of her life. Her third book, Lessons From Grace: What a Baby Taught Me About Living and Loving, captures life lessons inspired by a spitting, drooling baby. Baby Grace reminds us that we all started life as pure essence, trusting in the perfection of divine guidance. We lost our way and forgot our origins, but we can relearn the values of simplicity, joy, and presence.
Uma writes a blog titled The Grammar of Grief and hosted a podcast by the same name. She has interviewed experts on topics related to grief, loss, resilience, and rebounding with purpose.
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