Toshko Raychev – Profit System + ITF Assistant
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Short Description:
The second part is full unrestricted access to the private online members’ area. I will tell you more about it in a minute. For now just know that this is included and you will never be asked to pay any kind of a monthly fee to continue.
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Toshko Raychev – Profit System + ITF Assistant
Price : $997
Just pay : $122
Full Course Completed,Content:
TR Profit Indicators & Templates
TR Profit Cheat Sheets PDF
Document: Manual PDF
Update 1: Webinar+000 Introduction To The System.mp4
Update 2: Webinar+001 – System Rules & TR MM Indicator.mp4 and TR_MM.ex4 .
Update 3: Webinar+002 – Non Tradeable Conditions,Russ Horn Bonus – Naked Reversal System and Profit+Trend+Predictor.pdf
Update 4: Webinar+003 – Old TR Combo Indicators – Gift 3.mp4,TR_Edge_Major_Trend Indicator and TR_Combo_H Indicators.
Update 5: Webinar+005.mp4 – Intelligent Trade Finder.mp4,Intelligent Trade Finder and TR Major Levels.
Update 6: Webinar+004 and Profit+Trendsetter.pdf.
Update 7: Webinar+006 – TR AM HTF Indicator with TR_AM_HTF.ex4.
Update 8: Webinar 007 – TR Big Trend Indicator & Ultra Aggressive Type Of Entry+TR BIG TREND.ex4.
Update 9: Webinar+008.mp4+SFTC System (Indicators and Template)
Update 10: Webinar+009 TR Arrows V. Alert & TR+VPS
Update 11: Webinar+010 New TR Chart Range Dashboard and TR+Chart+Range+Dashboard.ex4.
Update 12: Webinar+011 New Tr Arrows Advanced Strategy.mp4
Update 13: Webinar+012 Tr MediumH v.Alert TR Arrows HTF Histo and TR+Arrows+HTF+Histo
Update 14: Webinar+013 Tr Arrows Triple Signal with TR Aggr Entry Histo,TR Arrows Triple Signal,TR Cons Entry Histo,TR+MediumH+v.Alertand TR UltraAggr Entry Histo.
Update 15: Webinar+014 TR B Indicator Trading Strategy and TR+VPS Indicator
Hey Folks – thanks for stopping by to check out my TR Profit System Review, by none other than Forex Legent Toshko Raychev.
I’ll cut STRAIGHT to the chase and get to the question everybody’s got on their mind?
What IS TR Profit System (I got it so I can show you!)
For those that DON’T know me, my name is Jeff Lenney – I’m primarily an affiliate marketer, but what many people DON’T know is that I also trade in the FX Market.
Personally, I trade based on the charts (price action forex) and that has worked WONDERS for me. With the help of a friend & mentor, I was able to turn $100 into $500 my first WEEK trading. Now granted, I was trading VERY aggressively – but this showed me the wonders of FX. If you have the right edutation, and MORE importantly the right mindset – anything is possible.
Essentially, TR Profit System consists of two major parts.
First there is the system itself which is sent by mail to you. It includes 6 DVD’s, a fully illustrated trading manual and a collection of cheat sheets.
When you order today shipping is free.
The second part is full unrestricted access to the private online members’ area. I will tell you more about it in a minute. For now just know that this is included and you will never be asked to pay any kind of a monthly fee to continue.
DVD 1.
If you have never traded the Forex market before than this DVD will give you everything you need to be up and trading with confidence fast. It is also a great refresher course for the intermediate trader. It is one of the most comprehensive and easy to understand beginner trading courses on the market.
Even if you do don’t know what some of these terms mean right now, don’t worry. Toshko Raychev explains every detail of trading the Forex market in a way that even a complete beginner can easily grasp and understand.
Forex for beginners.
Introduction to charts.
Introduction to MT4.
Opening new charts.
Installing custom indicators.
Loading indicators on charts.
Saving and loading custom templates.
Adding lines on charts.
Placing and managing orders.
Using trailing stop.
Pips, Margin and Lot Size.
Trader’s discipline.
DVD 2.
The secret behind this one of a kind system is the technology. In this DVD you will be introduced to 11 custom indicators that are the backbone of the system. These are Toshko’s greatest trading achievement, and I have to admit as a guy who DOESN’T use indicators often – they are quite impressive!
They process far more information in a minute than the best trader could analyze in a month doing it the old way.
They are what makes trading the TR Profit System so simple to trade. Because they do 99% of the work for you.
So you while other traders are sitting in front of their computers staring at charts you can be off spending the money you made before they even saw a decent setup.
Think of these indicators as your army of spies, gathering intelligence so you know exactly where they money is hiding and can easily flush it out into the open and capture it. Filling your account with money without lifting a finger.
Without this technology you would have to work long and hard to find the cash rich trades this system finds for you.
DVD 3.
In this DVD you will find the keys to the kingdom. The secret to untold wealth and prosperity.
The golden rule of trading is to find a profitable system and follow the system rules.
Yet doing so for whatever reason seems to be a difficult undertaking with many traders. I don’t know if it’s our stubborn nature as human beings that make us think we must know a shortcut or a better way.
All I know for sure is that when it comes to trading following the rules is what makes people rich. Because it keeps our emotions, especially fear and greed at bay.
It forces us to do what has been proven over and over to work rather than going all cowboy and making up the rules as we go along. That almost always leads to defeat.
That’s why in this DVD Toshko Raychev lays out the rules of the system in a very clear, concise and easy to follow manner.
Basically this is paint by numbers. The only way to screw it up is to start painting outside the lines or in the wrong boxes.
This DVD makes it all crystal clear. If you want to make it more difficult than it need to be and make far less money, just skip this DVD.
DVD 4.
In this DVD you will quickly see why this system is raking in the cash faster than even the government can spend it.
Toshko demonstrates the system through trade after trade covering most any and every scenario you will ever face in the market.
So that no matter what the market is doing you are armed with the knowledge and tools to profit from it.
Most everyone I have ever known learns more by example. By seeing how things actually work in action. That’s why he walks you through most every kind of trade you will ever encounter and shows you how to make money.
He goes through 20 different scenarios so you will never be at a loss at what to do no matter what the market throws at you.
DVD 5.
In the last DVD Toshko shows you every king of example trade you will ever encounter.
In this DVD you see the system in action in real time. It’s one thing to show you examples created in a controlled environment. In this DVD he let you see the system in action in a real time, real world, live trading environment where anything can happen.
This is important so you know how to walk away with a big profit even when the market doesn’t want to give it to you.
I show you real word examples of both conservative and aggressive trades and how to get maximum profits from both.
By the time you are finished watching this DVD you are ready to fire up your trading platform and make some money.
DVD 6.
At this point you are going to have some questions and he is going to give you the answers. Before the launch, he had numerous people go through all the previous DVD’s and then make a list of questions.
So Toshko put this into a live, unrehearsed webinar and answered every one of them. Then he recorded it all, no matter how tough the questions. Chances are that any and every question you have will be answered in this DVD.
However, if not, no worries because he will always be available to answer any question you have live in the members’ area.
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