Scott Sonnon – Intu-Flow Advance/Master DVD
Product Description
Fun Easy Effective Intu-Flow produces pain-free, energized results faster than you ever thought possible! Referred to variously as yoga in motion, tai chi without the fluff, or hi-tech Qigong , Intu-Flow is a powerful Key, unlocking the door to: Deep Relaxation Whole Body Tension Release Increased Focus & Concentration Heightened Sensory Awareness Enhanced Joint Mobility Superior Athletic Performance Bioenergy Amplification As an easy to perform meditation, Intu-Flow is available to everyone, young and old, men and women, without years of arduous study or injury producing excess. These exercises have helped thousands of busy people, from all walks of life, get Intu-Flow every day. A flowing, intuitive harmony of basic, biomechanically efficient movement, structural body alignment, and simple breathing, Intu-Flow is an exquisite synergy of modern scientific health research and ancient somatic wisdom; an easy to learn, do-it-at-home, playfully fun way to superior health that does not involve weekly classes or regular expenses, year after year. The results are both immediate and profound; once experienced, Intu-Flow helps you feel so good, your day will not feel complete without it. Getting Intu-Flow is easy, but far from superficial. Simple and user-friendly, nothing fancy or complex, it teaches you to maximize your health, throughout your day, with each breath. Combining the best from both Eastern and Western traditions, Intu-Flow is a delightful daily journey into pain-free movement and healthy longevity. More often than not, the most effective approach is the simplest approach. Intu-Flow produces pain-free, energized results without struggle, and with only a few minutes a day.
“An affective fitness methodology that gets results!” –Marty Gallaher, US Powerlifter and author
I think that Intu-Flow® is a fantastic starting point. As a matter of fact, it so well put together that it is on my shopping list for several family members. The information is so well explained and presented that I can send it out to people that are not familiar with exercise programs, and at the same time it has added tremendous depth to my person practice after just a brief period of time. –Dave Owens, CST
Basic enough to be helpful to anyone interested in bodily fitness yet challenging enough for even the elite athlete.” –Dr. Steve Graf, Professor of Psychology
About the Actor
Scott Sonnon is the founder of RMAX International and the creator of the Circular Strength Training (CST) System. A multiple-time USA National Team Coach, International Martial Arts Champion, Hall of Fame Inductee and Distinguished Master of Sport, Sonnon created a publishing firm named RMAX: “Reaching our MAXimum Together 10 years ago. CST is a health and fitness system that comprises pain-free mobility, dynamic flow yoga and natural athleticism. CST programs blend scientific concepts with physical training, nutrition, and dynamic mobility exercises. Focusing on prehabilitation rather than rehabilitation, CST provides preventative programs to circumvent future strains and pain as well as generative programs that refine individuals lifelong natural athleticism. A pioneer in fitness, Sonnon has studied the physics and philosophies of health for nearly 20 years. He has created exercise programs and equipment such as the Clubbell® and Mini- Clubbell. Sonnon s focus is always on strengthening the mind, spirit and body to achieve maximum health. Sonnon has written numerous books, including: The Big Book of Clubbell Training, 2006 Three Dimensional Performance Pyramid, 2005 Body-Flow: Freedom from Fear-Reactivity, 2004 Clubbell Training for Circular Strength, 2003 Sonnon has also published hundreds of magazine articles and created more than 50 video programs geared toward a healthy mindset and lifestyle. Sonnon served as an adjunct professor of physical education at Penn State University HACC Campus. Through his career, Sonnon has also served as: Physical conditioning advisor, National Law Enforcement and Security Institute Vice President, American Amateur Sambo Federation Chairman, International Combat Sambo Commission President, American Association of Martial Arts Sonnon has received many awards throughout his career, including: Grandmaster Instructor of the Year, 2006 Pioneer of American Sambo Award Nominee, 2006 US Open International San Shou
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