
Robert Plank – Push Button PHP

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $16.00.

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Short Description:
Hide your ulterior motive at the bottom of sales pages with a stealth opt-in, why it’s so important, and how you can avoid screwing it up!

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Robert Plank - Push Button PHP

Robert Plank – Push Button PHP

Alert: You Are Looking At A $1000 Bill Disguised As A Web Page!

If You Used One PHP Sales Script From the Package I’m About To Show You, and That One Small Change Brought In An Extra $20 Sale Every Week For The Next Year, Would You Consider That A Worthwhile Investment?

“If You Can Copy and Paste, You Can Enhance Your Web Sites Today And Throw Your Monthly Income Into Overdrive, With A Couple of Easy Painless Tweaks!”

It’s official: Web programming isn’t just for nerds anymore.

Did you know that with the scripting language PHP, you can take little bits of code and paste them directly onto your existing web pages?

(No compiling, debugging, transmogrifying, or super-cali-farting required!)

Did you know that every day, more and more Internet marketers and site builders (your competiton) are picking up just enough tips to make small web site changes, exploding their conversion rates? (Higher clickthru rates = more sales.)

Did you know most of these tips are so easy, even a 5 month old cross eyed monkey could implement them?

I’m Robert Plank, computer science college graduate, eager to show you, in seven action packed videos, how to use PHP to amplify your marketing and site building efforts.

This package is called “Push Button PHP” and contains videos, an e-book, and PHP source code. You can upload the scripts and plug them right into your web site.

In A Few Moments, You Will See My Desktop,
And Spy On My Every Move As I Show Exactly How To…

  1. Hide your ulterior motive at the bottom of sales pages with a stealth opt-in, why it’s so important, and how you can avoid screwing it up! (7 minutes, 36 seconds)
  2. Link your pages of content together with a random link generator … but it’s no ordinary link generator! Hint: even a product site or affiliate site can benefit from a little bit of content! (8 minutes, 57 seconds)
  3. A simple, perfectly legal technique to boost Clickbank gravity … increase your site’s ranking in the Clickbank marketplace and attract the attention of the super-affiliates you deserve! (7 minutes, 6 seconds)
  4. Discover a unique twist on advertising — rollover text ads — a subtle but deadly combination used on a handful of popular, high traffic Internet sites. (9 minutes, 18 seconds)
  5. Tokenize direct response web sites, become a mass producing cookie-cutter site building machine, and run price tests on hundreds of your sites at a time, in seconds, with a mass price changer! (4 minutes, 12 seconds)
  6. Read your visitors’ minds with little survey machines! Create your next product, decide what niche to pursue, and gather testimonials with NO WORK on your part. This is some crazy voodoo stuff! (15 minutes, 38 seconds)
  7. Throw together a massively responsive win-win sales letter with a “What Are People Searching For” script that changes based on the keywords your visitor was searching for when they found your site. (10 minutes, 21 seconds)

Digital Download Robert Plank – Push Button PHP at coursebing.store Now!

Salepage: http://PushButtonPHP.com/
Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20110201125321/PushButtonPHP.com/

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