It doesn’t mean that to reach $10,000 a month, you first need to be at the $8,000 mark, and before that the $6,000 mark.
I’ve had students and friends who have had no prior experience, but they started doing this and they started making insane results in this business.
So there’s really no limit to what you can do in this business.
Today is actually the day when we are opening up enrolments, and you will get the opportunity to register for Internet Income Intensive.
Internet Income Intensive is an online course where there are 6 different modules which will come in the form of 6 weeks’ training.
It will always be up there, and you’ll always have access to it. But if you were to go through it consistently, it would take you about 6 weeks.
So how does it all work?
Module #1
The Ultimate Niche Selection Process
Get access to my exact plan and blueprint on how I select profitable markets. I’ve tried and tested many different techniques over the past 9 years and through trial and error, I’ve compiled the most powerful techniques that are proven to work and I’m sharing it all with you! This is great if you’re just starting out or if you’re already an established business owner and looking to tap into new red hot markets.
You’ll be able to come up with your big idea by following this exact blueprint when it comes to identifying and selecting profitable markets.
Module #2
Anti-Coding Funnel Machine
Build, grow and explode your online business without having to be technical about it! That’s right, you don’t need to be a coder, programmer or designer. I have built over 500+ websites but I can’t even write a line of code and I’m going to show you exactly how you can do it too. What you need isn’t a website, because websites are dead.
You need a marketing funnel. What happens to your website visitors at the first point of contact? What is the follow up process? How does that lead to a sale? These are the important questions to ask.
I will show you how you can build your marketing funnel, have it up and running in under a day.
Module #3
Maximum Income Induction
Launch your bestseller online and generate multiple streams of income by promoting your own product or someone else’s product as an affiliate.
The systems and templates that I use to launch my bestsellers online, so that you can model the steps and do it too.
I’m going to give you the exact step-by-step blueprint that has been responsible for bringing in millions of dollars.
Module #4
Point-blank Targeted
Traffic Conversion
Here’s the part many marketers struggle and fail. Discover powerful tools to use to drive insane traffic to your website.
Whether you are selling a physical product, a digital product, a service or selling someone else’s product, these tools will enable you to drive targeted traffic.
Learn the exact strategy to drive massive traffic, how I built a following over a million people on Facebook, branding and positioning so that you are the authority, the only logical choice in your marketplace.
Module #5
Automated Profit System
Honestly, I hate using the word automated because it sounds like it’s get rich quick and that you don’t have to do anything. Here’s what this module is really about.
When it comes to automating a business, it’s all about having the right systems and people in place. I’ve owned over 500 different websites, without this step, it would’ve been impossible for me to manage all of them. The secret lies in the automation process that I’ve implemented.
These automation strategies tie everything together and provide me with location, time and money freedom. It’s absolutely crucial to have the right systems in place so that you can remove yourself from the business.
So these are the 6 money-making modules, and when it comes to teaching Internet Income Intensive, we’ve taught this in over 20 countries with tens of thousands of graduates, where we’ve charged up to $5,000 for this level of training.
For the first time ever, you don’t have to fly to a different country, you’ll be able to get access to all of this from the comfort of your own home.
So that means that you’ll save on the flights, the food, accommodation, travel and lodging.
To make it even BETTER
I’m going to be giving you three bonuses that’s worth well over $30,000.
Take advantage of this opportunity and click on the “Add to Cart” button now, you’ll be getting ALL of this for only $1,997
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