Improve your vision in 20/20 with Natural Vision Improvement Exercises
Workshop February 6th – 11th, 2020
Protect the priceless gift of your eyesight!
- Is your vision failing?
- Does your vision blur sometimes?
- Has it become hard to drive at night?
- Do you suffer from eye strain?
- Are you tired of glasses?
- Is looking at your computer or smartphone screen bothering your eyes?
- Do you doubt the pessimism of the medical profession and believe in your inner forces of healing?
Learn to alleviate all these problems and more this coming February!
“Over the last 40 years, I have facilitated many Natural Vision Improvement workshops all over the world. I just returned from teaching in Europe and Israel and had a very powerful six day class in northern Israel. This class is not to be missed. Because of the great improvement people have had, and additional insight into teaching the plasticity of the visual system. The six days are a good time for people to work on their eyesight with discipline and coherence. These are mainly six half days giving you room and an opportunity to practice what you learned and come in with improvement each day.
It’s the perfect time to join us in improving your vision naturally. If you have heard of me throughout the years but have not yet worked at the center, you will benefit from this class immensely and immediately. If you have worked with me before, this class is perfect because there will be new information and powerful tools that will lead to tremendous vision improvement.”
The Six-Day Natural Vision Improvement Workshop
Join us in a comfortable setting where you will learn rejuvenating eye exercises that will lead to permanent improvement in your vision with great spirit and humor in a relaxed atmosphere right next to the Pacific Ocean. The complete workshop is a total of six well rounded and comprehensive days. *lifetime friendships have been formed in this class*
Over the course of the workshop, you will be instructed by Meir Schneider in his Self-Healing Method for Natural Vision Improvement. You will learn how you can use simple exercises and gentle movement combined with the natural world around you, such as the light and heat of the sun, to aid in your journey to healthier vision. The instruction will impart on you the importance of simple vision improvement habits you can apply daily to your life that will help your eyes function much better. You will gain relaxation and relief from your eye strain. You will engage the plasticity of your visual system and especially form a better connection between your eyes and your brain.
About Meir Schneider
Meir Schneider is a globally respected educator and therapist who developed a unique method that can help improve vision. Born with cataracts and had five very unsuccessful surgeries, he was raised as a blind child with two deaf parents. He was the quickest braille reader in the state of Israel and took after his parents. His father was a champion of chess in his deaf club and his mother was the lead actress in the deaf club. Meir was a very energetic kid. When he learned effective eye exercises, he practiced them with all of his energy and it was better than his best dream. His vision improved from 1% to 70%. His teachers were outside of the medical establishment and one of them were teaching movement and natural vision improvement in hiding. Meir decided to make this work known and one day accepted. The work is not only on vision, it’s on the whole body. With this work he able to help improve the condition of many different vision problems and also many bodily dysfunctions from spine pain to spine injuries, from polio to multiple sclerosis to muscular dystrophy to cerebral palsy and many others. He was able to train people to connect between their mind, brain and body and to mobilize the body as well as possible with wonderful results., he overcame his blindness with body and eye exercises and determination. He now reads, writes, and drives with an unrestricted driver’s license.
In this workshop he hopes to bring all of his knowledge for the eyes and some of his knowledge for the body that can help improve circulation that can help the eyes. He is as excited to help a person to get rid of their glasses with low prescription as he is to help a legally blind person to see better. So the range of people he works with in these classes is very large.
Day One: 9am – 2pm
General Concepts of Vision Improvement
Discover how your daily routine affects your vision, how you can change it to increase vision quality and decrease visual stress. Learn how to measure your own eyesight and its improvements. Don’t be intimidated by doctor visits. Learn how to see for yourself how well you see. Meir will teach you how to do that.
Day Two: 9am – 1pm
Basic Exercises for Every Condition
Learn how to improve nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and other conditions. Meir will teach methods of stimulating central vision as the first step in cultivating a method to improve your eyes.
Day Three: 9am – 1pm
How to Balance Use of the Eyes (Eye Teaming)
Most people have a dominant eye and the brain ignores messages from the weaker eye, putting tremendous strain on the dominant eye, which deteriorates from over use, while the weaker eye becomes debilitated from lack of use. Learn exercises to overcome lazy eye or cross eyes and balance your visual system. Your brain plasticity, weather you are 8 or 80 will develop very greatly in this session.
Day Four: 9am – 1pm
How to Overcome and Prevent Pathologies
We will also address concerns with specific pathologies such as cataracts, glaucoma, keratoconus, macular degeneration, and other retinal, optic nerve, and cornea problems; all of which are becoming common conditions. Individual needs will be addressed and questions will be answered.
Day Five: 3pm – 9:30pm
(includes a night walk and dinner)
Expanding Knowledge of Natural Vision Improvement
Learn how to expand the plasticity of the visual system and find relief from one eye dominance. After having dinner together, we will go on a night walk to further stimulate peripheral vision. Many people see progressively better in the dark of the night during the night walk. Eyes that used to be dry become more wet in front of the computer. Eyes that are strained become refreshed during the walk. Special exercises are practiced during night walk to make the night brighter.
Day Six: 9am – 2pm
Final Analysis
Learn how to integrate the techniques and principles into a daily practice that works for you. This is an extraordinary opportunity to analyze and understand your own vision. Any questions that weren’t answered earlier and anything that isn’t fully understood will be addressed during this session. Finally, you will measure your vision again and see how much you have improved over six days of practice!
Even though we allow people to come on individual days, we see it as a wonderful process that will lead to personal improvement. It can inspire you to keep working on yourself for several months. And adapt this practice to your daily life so it will fit your specific needs. Most people leave the class very happy and because of the wonderful atmosphere we have during the six days, many lifetime friendships are created. There’s nothing that will lead to bonding more than positive experience. People see better, breathe deeper, spend time in the beach and at the park and at the nice facilities in the center. People tend to be at their best and tend be more empathetic to others. We recommend attending all six days for best results.
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