So as some people are gathering, I am running a very large online health summit on overcoming fatigue and optimising energy where I have the honour of interviewing and working with around 30 world-renowned researchers, clinicians and scientists. I am collaborating with arguably the greatest theoretical psychologist ever and one of the most important philosophers of our times: Ken Wilber.
As some should know, when I originally co-founded the Optimum Health Clinic in London with Alex Howard, we designed the entire approach around Wilber’s “Integral Theory” – we explained how this theory works in practice with chronic fatigue in CAM magazine in 2009 – you can read this here.
So we will cover nutrition and functional medicine with outstanding educators like the founding father of functional medicine Dr Jeff Bland, the world-leading expert in gluten sensitivity Dr Tom O Bryan, people who wrote the textbooks on things like healing leaky gut: Dr Liz Lipski, leading experts in Energy Medicine like Harry Massey and professor Gerald Pollack, experts on emotional health like Dr Rollin McCraty of Heartmath, experts in psychoneuroimmunology like Harvard-trained Dr Joan Borysenko and psychiatrists like Dr Judith Orloff from UCLA, lessons from nature from people like the evolutionary biologist Dr Elisabet Sahtouris and many many more.
For practitioners- we will also be getting CPD points from organisations like BANT and the ANA in the USA for those who participate in the summit.
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