
Joanna Wiebe – Book 5: How to Write a Long Form Sales Page

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Short Description:
“I just launched a coaching program last week to my email list of 1800, for only 5 days (as it was something new, I wanted to close it so I could concentrate on delivering it). I thought that my best case scenario was about 12 buyers.

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Joanna Wiebe - Book 5 How to Write a Long Form Sales Page

Joanna Wiebe – Book 5: How to Write a Long Form Sales Page

You Need a Long-Form Sales Page to Really Move Units…
But You Don’t Want to Sound or Look Like… Well, a Skeez-bag…

Is it just me, or does every long-form sales page out there today sound like it’s written by an asshole who just wants to unload a bunch of junk on unsuspecting people?

I know I’m not the only one who thinks that.

The great tradition of sales letters and direct-response copywriting – a tradition founded by legends like David Ogilvy and Gene Schwartz – has been tainted by hacks.

…Not hackers…

Hacks: Crummy copywriters who don’t care about customers. Crummy business people who artificially inflate prices, use fake testimonials and abuse the trust of the average consumer.

But it’s time to put an end to that.

It’s time to revitalize this potent style of copywriting… for a new generation of sales-savvy copy hackers.

Introducing Copy Hackers: The Dark Art of Writing Long-Form Sales Pages.

The fifth book in the Copy Hackers series, Long-Form Sales Pages will break down the whats, whys and hows of writing sales pages today. In 246 pages – five times the length of the average Copy Hackers ebook – and with the help of 3 companion videos, you’ll learn how to write a long form sales page. You’ll apply what you already know about writing for the web to crafting high-converting sales pages you can be proud of. Because the fact of the matter is this:

When Long-Form Copy Is Done Right, It Actually Makes Marketers Stinking Rich… Shockingly Fast…

There’s a reason sales people have latched onto long-form copywriting, both online and in print. What do you think that reason is?

Why would someone choose to write 10 pages when they could write 1?

Why would a marketer spend weeks researching, drafting and revising only to write a long, ugly-looking page?

Why would businesses shell out more than $10,000 at a time – and pay a royalty to copywriters! – just to produce pathetic-looking, dated-looking sales pages that are are the online equivalent of junk mail?

Any ideas why?


The obvious answer. They do it because these pages are MONEY. They make money. When they’re done right, they’re like long, scrolling cash machines.

Want proof? Of course you do! So take a look at how a sales page written after reading THIS VERY BOOK helped a small business…:

Mike Made $15,000 in 5 Days on His Info Product
“I just launched a coaching program last week to my email list of 1800, for only 5 days (as it was something new, I wanted to close it so I could concentrate on delivering it). I thought that my best case scenario was about 12 buyers.

I ended up with over 60 buyers.

Watching my Paypal account grow to over $15000 over 5 days was a surreal experience, although a not unwelcome one. Anyway – without your help in Book 5 I probably never would have done it and would still be oscillating from niche to niche. I now have a business rather than a dream, and I’ve proved to myself (and my poor wife) that people want what I’m offering.

I’m amazed. All I can say is thank you.”
– Mike Monday
Start Now, Finish Fast

…The flipside is that, when they’re done wrong, they produce high bounce rates, low conversion rates, complaints, no backlinks, negative brand experiences… and basically any other bad thing that can come out of aggressive sales tactics that flop.

So what’s the missing link? What’s the gap here?

The “gap” is simply this: do you know what you’re doing, or are you just guessing and hacking?

To bridge the gap between a great, high-performing sales page and a crappy, epic failure of a sales page, you need to stop guessing…

You need to know what the pros know. Without spending $5000 on a video course designed for copywriters. Which is why…:

Copy Hackers: Long-Form Sales Pages Is Designed for Fast-Moving Hackers Like You…

In Fact, in the First 100 Pages Alone, You’ll Get Time-Tested, Proven Answers, Like…

  • When to use short copy vs when to use long copy – yes, there’s a time and place for each
  • What 1 ugly visualization technique I follow but only half-heartedly recommend, because it’s so wrong
  • How bloggers can save a ton of anguish by not just running with a sales page
  • The truth about why we love to read the PS
  • 6 little-known, never-discussed long-form advertising “genres” that will totally help you start writing your page
  • How to make sense of the traffic you send to the page, so your bounce rate isn’t redunk
  • What the difference is between “state of awareness” and “state of sophistication”… and why those even matter
  • The 3 things every copy hacker MUST do before writing a single line of sales copy
  • The deep, dark truth about what your customers want — warning: no C-level will want to believe this
  • A genuine, honest-to-goodness way to find the story that sells your product
  • How to revive dead-boring language so it leaps up and smacks your reader in the forehead
  • Why curiosity, nostalgia, distrust and fear are your friends

And of course every part of this gigantic, info-packed ebook has a video companion hosted by yours truly, Joanna Wiebe:


In Part II, the Theory Gets Downright Practical As You Discover What the Wealthiest, Best Marketers Know About…

  • The 8-step flow to follow that will immediately improve your page
  • The truth about how your headline, subhead, body copy and crossheads work together in long-copy
  • The punctuation mark that can do more for you than any short-form copywriter could
  • Why being intriguing or “getting their attention” is just 1 sliver of the conversion pie
  • All the ways to squeeze more sales juice out of your headlines
  • The quick improvement you can make to the first line of your body copy today
  • Who crossheads are really intended for (and, hell, what a crosshead even is!)
  • What shouldn’t go inside those uber-gigantic lists on sales pages
  • The 6 tools that trigger ideas for writing sweet, sexy, savvy body copy
  • What a Roncoism is… and why you’ll wanna know
  • Exactly what “future pacing” means when it comes to copywriting
  • The nitty-gritty on testimonials – is quantity better than quality?
  • 3 steps to take ASAP if you have a product but no testimonials
  • How many incentives to use… when to use them… and what exactly to use
  • 4 ways to write a product demo that the late, great Billy Mays himself could be proud of
  • How closing a sale is like getting that first kiss
  • A clear, unabashed reality check: the only way you can get your money’s worth out of any copywriting book or course

This part is preceded by a 30-minute video, hosted again by moi, in which you’ll see lots of examples of sales pages – and what’s good, bad and ugly about each of ‘em…


And in the 3rd + Final Section of This Mega-Packed Ebook, See How to Bring Your Page to the Highest Standards By…

  • Putting the words in control – not the visual design
  • Formulaicly using these 2 words at the beginning of your sentences to overcome a major, common objection
  • Following this no-brainer Hollywood trick that has surely worked on YOU before
  • Tapping into the prevailing desire for instant gratification… even if your product’s results aren’t “instant”
  • Swiping the underlying awesome idea behind “Dr. Elliott’s Five Foot Shelf of Books”
  • Leveraging the secret behind the “Pocket CB” to rename your product
  • Editing to make the words explode off the page… not to meet arbitrary “rules” for length
  • Achieving visual appeal… without sacrificing the proven formatting tricks of sales pages
  • Optimizing the 3 most important spots on the page
  • Knowing when to stop

The video for the third section walks you through examples of what others – people just like you – have done to take their sales pages to the much-discussed, much-desired “next level”:


You’ll Get Way More Than “Just” an Ebook…

There are 30-page ebooks out there right now that go for $49… and come with little more than a PDF. That’s fine for those people. But I wouldn’t dare ask small business owners, startup founders and new copywriters to shell out so much of your hard-earned cash for something I didn’t believe was big on quality AND quantity. (Because you can have both.)

That’s why, when you download Copy Hackers: Long-Form Sales Pages, you’ll get:

  • A 246-page ebook in both PDF and mobi versions, so you can read it on your iPad, Kindle, PC, Mac… or any number of other devices
  • 3 companion videos, totaling nearly 60 minutes of screen time – and walking you through the most insanely long pages… pages that would be way too big for a typical reader screen
  • BONUS! An 87-point checklist for writing sales pages
  • BONUS! A Federal Trade Commission “cheat sheet” to help you steer clear of writing one of those bad-for-customers sales pages
  • BONUS! The questions you should ask your customers in a survey – so there’s no need for you to delay surveying your customers just ‘cos you can’t think up the Qs

Digital Download Joanna Wiebe – Book 5: How to Write a Long Form Sales Page at coursebing.store Now!

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20130815045723/http://copyhackers.com/product/handbook-how-to-write-a-long-form-sales-letter-page/

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