
Chris Croft – Working with Difficult People

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Short Description:
In every workplace, you’re likely to perceive some colleagues are being more difficult to work with than others. Before you rush to judgment, you should determine if and how you might be contributing to the situation…

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Working with Difficult People

By: Chris Croft

Released: September 13, 2017

Level: Beginner

Duration: 1h 46m (23 Videos)


In every workplace, you’re likely to perceive some colleagues are being more difficult to work with than others. Before you rush to judgment, you should determine if and how you might be contributing to the situation. (After all, it’s entirely possible that you’re the problem.) If you’ve determined that the problem isn’t you, then this course can help.

In this course, Chris Croft shares methods for recognizing the characteristics of some of the most common types of difficult people, and gives you strategies for dealing with these individuals more effectively. Chris provides practical techniques for dealing with a variety of different behaviors, including negativity, aggression, childishness, and selfishness. Plus, he explains how to overcome your own negative thinking, and get the best from a difficult boss.

Topics include:

  • Identifying and understanding difficult people
  • Handling aggressive and passive-aggressive people
  • Working with negative people
  • Working with procrastinators and people with bad habits
  • Conquering your own negative thinking
  • When the difficult person is your boss
  • Dealing with micromanagers


  • Introduction
  • 1. How to Identify and Understand Difficult People
  • 2. Tactics and Techniques
  • 3. Difficult People at Work
  • Conclusion

About Author

Lecturer turned thought leader Chris Croft has trained 80,000+ people in project management and leadership.

Chris Croft comes from an operations background, having earned an engineering degree from Cambridge, qualified as a chartered engineer, and worked as a senior manager in manufacturing for ten years. He earned an MBA and worked as a university lecturer at Bournemouth University Business School for four years before starting his own training company in 1992. Since then, he has trained over 80,000 people, and his free email tips are sent to over 10,000 people.

His company, The Croft Management Centre, runs training courses in managing projects and schedules, sorting out problem teams, being a good boss, negotiating, and presenting. He also runs accredited management training for individuals and groups. The center’s website, www.chriscrofttraining.co.uk, offers a tip of the day, free email tip of the month, and free instant guides. Chris has also created numerous free iPhone and android apps.

His book Time Management is available from Amazon and most bookshops. He has eleven other “instant guide mini-books” at www.lulu.com and on Amazon Kindle Store, and recently published The Big Book of Happiness for the Kindle.

Digital Download Chris Croft – Working with Difficult People at coursebing.store Now!

Sales page:
Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20171120201651mp_/https://www.lynda.com/Leadership-Management-tutorials/Working-Difficult-People/598481-2.html

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