
Bart Baggett – Handwriting Analysis Level 101

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Short Description:
Even if you’ve never read a book or an article on psychology, the mind, or handwriting analysis…after just a few hours studying this course, you will seem like a 20-year veteran handwriting expert.

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Bart Baggett - Handwriting Analysis Level 101

Bart Baggett – Handwriting Analysis Level 101

Beginner’s Success and Transformation Course Through Psychology and Handwriting Analysis

Wouldn’t you like to quickly learn to accurately predict behavior, understand personality, and understand people with a short glance as someone’s handwriting?

Now, this completely revised best-selling “Handwriting Analysis Beginners’ Course” is now on the new “teachable” online training format so you learn faster and it is more engaging. Yes, even a raw beginner can begin to accurately analyze handwriting within minutes of watching the first few lessons.

Wouldn’t you like to quickly learn to accurately predict behavior, understand personality, and understand people with a short glance as someone’s handwriting?

Now, this completely revised best-selling “Handwriting Analysis Beginners’ Course” is now on the new “teachable” online training format so you learn faster and it is more engaging. Yes, even a raw beginner can begin to accurately analyze handwriting within minutes of watching the first few lessons.

Handwriting University’s basic course in handwriting analysis which includes the world famous Grapho-Deck Flash Cards and video instruction from Bart Baggett (Founder of Handwriting University.) This course includes Video, Audio, Books, and Bonus lessons which will expand your knowledge of human behavior beyond anything you have ever read

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered what someone’s handwriting really reveals?

Now is your chance to discover the deep, dark secrets locked inside our unconscious mind through the power of 21st century handwriting analysis.

This system, developed using the past 75 years of research, makes doing handwriting analysis quick, easy, fun, and 100% accurate every time.

Even if you’ve never read a book or an article on psychology, the mind, or handwriting analysis…after just a few hours studying this course, you will seem like a 20-year veteran handwriting expert.

This simple to use VIDEO, AUDIO, and LITERARY program literally fills your mind with all the tools you need to understand, absorb, and master the BASIC techniques of modern handwriting analysis.

You get these items, and many other bonuses…whether you order the online home study course now available on teachable.com. This “new format” includes all new videos, quizzes, and even allows you to download the video and audio files to your phone or computer for later.

The Grapho-Deck Flash Cards

Full color HD videos

Plus, the entire 101 book on Audio.


You will not be confused (as often happens when reading other handwriting books). This course is the most direct, step-by-step training program ever developed to teach the science of understanding, predicting, and helping change people’s behavior through handwriting.

So, it’s all there in this new course, “Handwriting Analysis 101 Personality and Transformation Course.” What’s more, I’ve added a couple of great bonuses, to help you understand personality, 11 Major Fears, and even how to begin to change the traits you don’t want.

Just scroll down and click on the ‘enroll now’ button, and you can be listening to, viewing, and interacting with me via video within minutes of purchase.

As a bonus, inside this course, I reveal how you can erase self-defeating personality traits forever. Not only will this course show you how to analyze handwriting, but it even discusses key personality traits to change. If anyone you know suffers from fear, self-consciousness, or low self-sabatoge…the knowledge inside this course will change their lives.

“I love the new 101 Handwriting Program. It is useful, organized and comprehensive.

I can’t believe how much information you STUFFED into a basic course.

I was accurate on my very first analysis and people still can’t believe I just learned everything online – right on the internet.

Oh, and I just love the woman’s voice on the “Audio Book.” What a pleasant person to listen to as I jog, listening to the mp3 files.

– Bren Stevenson
St. Louis, MO, USA

I purchased the handwriting 101 course and I absolutely love it. Bart and Curt are awesome teachers and role models. I can’t wait until I complete the certification course.

Longmont, Colorado

This course answers these questions:

What are the 13 different meanings of the letter t?
How can we tell someone’s level of emotional expression by their writing?
How can we spot a liar in one letter?
How do we “change” our bad traits in 21 days?
What is the one letter which reveals someone is paranoid?
What single letter reveals the sex drive and intimacy issues?
How do you analyze cursive VS printing?
How do you overcome self-sabotage or fear of success?
And much, much, more.

Bart Baggett is America’s #1 Handwriting Expert, as featured on CNN, Good Morning America, CBS, NBC, as well as 1500 other shows. He is your host on the videos and designer of the course. The “audio book” is read by an elegant Australian voice, with seminar highlights featuring Handwriting University Faculty members, and students like you.

Video Lessons featuring these topics

  • How to Measure Slant & determine emotional outlay in minutes.
  • Boosting Your Confidence and Esteem
    • Intimacy and Sex Drives
  • Grapho-therapy and changing your fears .
  • Lying, Honesty and Communication Styles
  • Bonus Item: Quick Reference Guide
  • 51 Traits explained in detailBonus Item: The Emotional Gauge.
    The Grapho-Deck Flash Cards are included in PDF full color high resolution format.

Special Limited Time Bonuses!

1) Entire Audio Book available for download on MP3

1) so you can listen on your iphone or computer. This is the entire “audio book”.

2) Chapter quizes and status updates on your progress.

This interactive feature keeps you engaged and test your knowledge at each key chapter.

I purchased the handwriting 101 course and I absolutely love it. Bart and Curt are awesome teachers and role models. I can’t wait until I complete the certification course.

Longmont, Colorado

Your Instructor

Bart Baggett

For the past decade Bart Baggett has been known as one of the world’s top forensic handwriting experts, internationally acclaimed speaker, and a highly regarded TV legal consultant & expert witness.

He is also a best selling author, entrepreneur, and marketing consultant.

In his spare time, Bart scuba dives with sting rays, does stand-up comedy, and even has appeared in 15 feature films!

Mr. Baggett’s strong media background (1500 radio and TV appearances) and charismatic on-camera presence has led him to work side-by-side with news producers, documentary filmmakers, and attorneys nationwide regarding celebrity legal cases and TV shows. You may recognize his face from his frequent appearances on prestigious news networks like CBS, NBC, Fox, and CNN.

Bart has hosted his own radio show and still hosts monthly webinars and tele-classes interviewing celebrities, experts, authors, and other thought leaders who inspire, teach, and make a difference.

He currently works from his Los Angeles-based office, and travels worldwide speaking and training. He has over 10,000 students in India, and thousands more in 20 other countries worldwide who have read his books, videos, or attended live Handwriting University trainings from from Taiwan to Mumbai.

Mr. Baggett’s sense of humor and playful speaking style transcends cultural boundaries which allow him to connect with everyone from London’s top CEOs, to college students in Pune.

Digital Download Bart Baggett – Handwriting Analysis Level 101 at coursebing.store Now!

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