
Anodea Judith – Clearing the Seven Windows to the Soul

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Short Description:
With each module you’ll also receive additional exercises and practices to keep you on track and to build the strength of your energy body in each chakra.

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Anodea Judith - Clearing the Seven Windows to the Soul

Anodea Judith – Clearing the Seven Windows to the Soul

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, Anodea will guide you through the inner workings of your own chakras.

Each pre-recorded teaching and Q&A session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll have a complete template for self-healing that you can use the rest of your life. This liberating journey is truly transformational when you apply the basic principles you’ll be given.

With each module you’ll also receive additional exercises and practices to keep you on track and to build the strength of your energy body in each chakra.

If you want healing in your own life or if you work in a healing capacity with others, this information and set of tools can be a valuable resource on multiple levels.

Module 1: Reclaiming the Temple of the Body


We begin at the ground level. Your body is your personal home for the Divine. Cultivating a firm foundation of health in your body supports your chakra journey inward and upward. Issues of safety in childhood lead to contraction in the first chakra, which further causes health problems, prosperity issues, and trouble dealing with the demands of the physical world.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover a dynamic method of grounding that you can do anytime and anywhere to feel more solid and secure
  • Recognize how your basic sense of trust directly influences your prosperity and how much abundance you have in the world
  • Transform the paralysis of fear into a heightened aliveness that makes each of your cells awaken and rejoice
  • Explore how engaging your body with the earthly plane creates vital energy and increased health
  • Understand the importance of the downward current through the chakras in the manifestation of your highest ideals
  • Embrace structure as the key support for everything you do

Module 2: Diving in the Waters of Eros


The second chakra relates to the watery world of emotions and sexuality. How do you balance the dual nature of this chakra with regard to desire and inhibition, and to approach and avoidance? What effect does the emotional climate of your family of origin have on your emotional and sexual experience now? How can you create more pleasure in your life?

In this module, you’ll:

  • Open to the pleasure principle to enhance your fluidity and grace
  • Explore the importance of gut intelligence and how you can harness it for greater guidance
  • Unlock the guilt, fear, and sorrow that keep you from experiencing the natural pleasure of your emotional body
  • Harness the powers of duality for the stimulation of consciousness and a wider vista of experience
  • Align your chakras between heaven and earth to set forth the deepest movement of energy up and down your spine
  • Practice the serpent breath to enhance the flow of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Be given simple movements that will increase your capacity for deeper erotic energy

Module 3: Burning Your Way Into Power


The third chakra’s element of fire forges your will into power. This chakra leads to personal mastery and assertive action in your life. But few children grow up unscathed in a society that finds it more convenient to squash your power in favor of obedience over individuation. Power is energy. How do you balance anxiety and depression, harvesting your energy for true power to become an agent of transformation?

In this module, you’ll:

  • Reclaim your own unique expression of power through unwinding the power dynamics in your family
  • Combine intention and energy to create a strong and effective will
  • Overcome shame as the basic obstacle to feeling powerful
  • Unlock the “charge” stored in your body from chronic muscular contraction — and harvest its capacity for effective action
  • Be given exercises to open your third chakra and increase your life force
  • Explore how constriction and freedom combine to channel energy to a given purpose or place in the body
  • Transform anxiety into action through resolving the conflicts in the inner commands to your will

Module 4: Finding the Balance in Love


After forging your power in the third chakra, you rise up to the element air, opening your heart to the wings of love. This chakra is deeply impacted by how love was expressed in your family, from the way your parents did (or did not) express love to each other, to the amount of love and support you received from family, friends, and your social environment. What can you do to open your heart to the full force of love that’s possible?

In this module, you’ll:

  • Practice dynamic breathing exercises to open and expand the heart
  • Understand the role your persona has played in all your relationships and how to move beyond it
  • Expand your capacity for intimacy by embracing your authenticity and vulnerability
  • Increase your powers of empathetic communication to bring you closer to those you love
  • Transform self-judgment into understanding — and reclaim essential inner parts of your wholeness
  • Be given essential exercises for opening the chest area and expanding your capacity for love

Module 5: Vibrating Into Full Expression


On the wings of the heart you rise up into the throat chakra, your personal avenue to creativity and self-expression. This chakra is influenced by past patterns of communication — how you were received and listened to, and the emotional tone of the communications in your family. Open your throat chakra to express the deep truths that are yours to share.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Understand how speaking or withholding your truth can promote health or contribute to disease
  • Unleash your power to communicate effectively through connection with your core vibration
  • Enhance your creativity through letting your body tell your story
  • Be given basic sounds and mantras for opening and balancing each chakra
  • Explore how sounding unlocks density and allows you to release blockages
  • Identify your basic message underneath everything you say and do

Module 6: Seeing Your Way to Clarity


The sixth chakra’s element, light, allows you to see — not only all around you, but to have insight within as well as a vision for your life. Here you are guided by the pictures you hold in your mind — pictures about yourself and the world in general. However, few of us view ourselves accurately, as our sixth chakra is programmed by negative images, stereotypes, and distorted reflections. Discover how to find clarity and hone your intuition as you clear your sixth chakra from the past to see forward into the future.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Harness the power of stillness to see the reflection of how your consciousness plays out in your life
  • Be given a valuable exercise for seeing yourself clearly that you can use anytime
  • Explore how to nourish your subtle body by drinking in light
  • Practice a color meditation for evaluating and enhancing your entire chakra system
  • Improve your powers of visualization to vitalize your vision
  • Increase your connection with your intuition to sort out truth from illusion

Module 7: Opening to Your Divine Connection


The journey through the chakras is ultimately a journey to awaken your divine nature and connect heaven and earth through the inner channel of your own body. This mystery abides in consciousness — not only your ability to reach higher states of consciousness, but also your beliefs, interpretations, and thinking patterns that literally run your life. You’ll discover how to question and change those beliefs and how to clear your mind to find clarity, peace, and realization.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Be given methods of meditation for “downloading the Divine” for greater guidance in everything you do
  • Isolate the beliefs that limit you — and learn an effective technique for changing them into beliefs that truly serve you
  • Examine how your questions are like your “browser” in the universal field of consciousness, directing your attention and experience
  • Gain command of your attention for greater effectiveness with simple meditation techniques
  • Develop your ability to find stillness at the center of everything you do
  • Distinguish 3 essential states of meditation practiced by yogis for thousands of years

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