Simply put, our Quantum Energy Apps are energetically encoded digital pictures that transform your electronic devices into quantum resonance tools that support you for greater health and well-being and peak performance.
Easy to Use
Just open the energetically encoded image file on your computer, laptop, smart phone or tablet. The quantum energy patterns will now be automatically and continuously broadcast through your electronic device! To use on your phone or tablet, just set it as the wallpaper!
The energy of this quantum energy app can be amplified to a limited degree on your smart phone and tablet and to an almost unlimited degree on your computer or laptop at no extra cost. This allows you to dial the energy in to exactly the right amplitude for you.
The Biophotons mandala works on the energetic level to intensify and fortify the body’s natural biophotonic field.
In 1974, Fritz-Albert Popp discovered that the DNA of all living systems naturally absorb and emit photons (i.e., light).
He also discovered that the intensity of this biophotonic field correlated with the health of the subject. In other words, healthy subjects had strong biophotonic fields, while subjects dealing with illness tended to have weak biophotonic fields.
He found a similar correlation with agriculture. Food grown naturally in the wild had the strongest biophotonic field. Organically grown food was next in line for the strongest biophotonic field. And last, in terms of biophotonic strength, was commercially grown food.
Biophotons have also been shown to be emitted from stimulated acupuncture points.
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